Training Materials & Resources

You can find En-ROADS materials and resources on the Climate Interactive website. Here are some of the most frequently used resources in the training:

  • En-ROADS User Guide: Background on the dynamics of En-ROADS, tips for using the simulator, general descriptions, real-world examples, slider settings, and model structure notes for the different sliders in En-ROADS.
  • Climate Interactive Support: Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions or submit a support ticket to ask us a question.

Facilitator Resources

Training Resources
  • Become an En-ROADS Climate Ambassador: Follow these steps to complete the training and receive a certificate.
  • Feedback Form: When you run a practice event, collect feedback from your audience regarding your performance as a facilitator so you can improve. You can use our feedback form or other means to collect responses. We don’t collect the feedback from you, but it's helpful for you to read it and consider how you can take it into account moving forward.
  • Videos of En-ROADS events: Learn from watching others.
  • En-ROADS translated materials: Find the links to the translated materials summarized in this spreadsheet document.
  • Glossary: Terms and acronyms in En-ROADS or related resources.

Equity and Multisolving Resources
  • Multisolving Institute website.
  • Multisolving and En-ROADS Resources: Find the supplemental "Multisolving & En-ROADS" slides for use during an En-ROADS Climate Workshop or Climate Action Simulation, and the Multisolving control panel guide with a basic overview of co-benefits and equity considerations for the main En-ROADS sliders.

Additional En-ROADS Resources

  • En-ROADS Technical Reference: Model structure, equations, assumptions, and data sources for the En-ROADS system dynamics model. The En-ROADS Technical Reference is intended primarily for technical audiences and anyone who wants to learn more about the science and structures behind the En-ROADS model.
  • En-ROADS Guided Assignment: A great classroom exercise to give students, or a follow-up to a workshop or game

    Background Readings

    Check out these resources to improve your understanding on systems thinking, climate science, and other topics to complement your facilitation training:

    Systems Thinking and Climate Action

    Climate Change Science



    Climate Change Communication

    More on Systems Thinking